The Secret to Midday Happiness


Chances are you have a morning routine to kickstart your day in a positive way. But how often do you take advantage of your midday to keep your joy and energy levels in high gear? 

It’s not uncommon for many of us to spend our lunch breaks hunched over the computer answering emails, or mindlessly eating our salads and sandwiches while scrolling through social media.

While there’s nothing wrong with any way you enjoy your lunchtime, today we’re sharing four easy ways to use this time to boost your mood and energy levels. No caffeine required!

  1. Take a Lunchtime Walk

It doesn’t have to be long — even a 15 to 20 minute stroll can clear your head and boost your joy levels (thanks to those feel-good endorphins). You can even listen to an inspirational podcast or catch up with that good friend who always makes you laugh.

  1. Enjoy Your Lunch Al Fresco 

If weather permits, take your lunch outdoors and breathe in the fresh air. If the temps are too low or high, eat in a cafe or somewhere outside of where you work. The point is to step away from your computer and give your mind a break. 

  1. Connect with People in Real Life

Invite a co-worker or neighbor to join you for lunch, or for a stroll. Conversation creates connection and a chance to stimulate your mind – which we all need to prevent that midday slump. (Just be sure to keep the conversation upbeat and off work!)

  1. Sneak In a 5 or 10 Minute Meditation

Head to a quiet place for a quick meditation. We like this 5-minute one and this 10-minute one.

If meditation isn’t your thing, sit somewhere for a few minutes and be still. Turn off your phone and listen to your breath. This will give your mind a chance to slow down and recharge. Not to mention, bring you a little peace and calm.

The Dalai Lama said, “Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” Be intentional about your lunch break and give your mind an actual break from the news and noise of the morning.

Your afternoon will thank you for it! 

With love,
Emily and the EveryDay Happy Team

P.S. Join us on Instagram to feel inspired, uplifted and for daily tips to create more joy in your life. 

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Quote du jour

“Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” — Buddha


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