Books on the beach
Everyday Happy

Welcome! Life is messy, it’s not fair and it doesn’t always goes as planned. But, there’s so much we can do to create more joy, love, calm and ease in our days.

Sign up for our newsletter to get our weekly Feel-Good Notes and join us for classes and events designed to uplift, inspire and leave you feeling happier.

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Even Better Book

New Book Release!

By EveryDay Happy founder Emily Florence. A brand new feel-good book!

Classes and Events

Even Better Life Coaching

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Love Yourself More

Classes, Coaching & Events

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Gratitude Challenge

The Gratitude Challenge

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Latest Feel-Good Notes

How to Keep Moving Toward Your Goals

How to Keep Moving Toward Your Goals

We all have goals and dreams for our lives. Chances are you’ve been chipping away at something important to you. Perhaps it’s writing a book, organizing your home, connecting with a forever partner or committing to being healthier.

Even when we have the best intentions, life happens, and it’s easy to find ourselves feeling like we’ve gone off track or fallen behind. We may even be tempted to throw in the towel and give up on something completely.

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Create More Joy in Your Day

Create More Joy in Your Day

There’s nothing better than when someone asks how your day was and you get to respond with “Fantastic!” and actually mean it.

We’ll never be able to control every annoyance or hiccup we encounter in our days, but there are several things we can do to create more joy. 

Here are four easy ways:

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