10 Latest Feel-Good Notes

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How to Keep Moving Toward Your Goals

How to Keep Moving Toward Your Goals

We all have goals and dreams for our lives. Chances are you’ve been chipping away at something important to you. Perhaps it’s writing a book, organizing your home, connecting with a forever partner or committing to being healthier.

Even when we have the best intentions, life happens, and it’s easy to find ourselves feeling like we’ve gone off track or fallen behind. We may even be tempted to throw in the towel and give up on something completely.

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Create More Joy in Your Day

Create More Joy in Your Day

There’s nothing better than when someone asks how your day was and you get to respond with “Fantastic!” and actually mean it.

We’ll never be able to control every annoyance or hiccup we encounter in our days, but there are several things we can do to create more joy. 

Here are four easy ways:

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Give Yourself a Break

Give Yourself a Break

With so much on our plates, it’s easy to forget to prioritize our own well-being. But self-care isn’t a luxury reserved for special occasions — it’s essential to our daily lives.

The good news is, you don’t have to break the bank or sacrifice precious sleep in order to be truly good to yourself. Take a few minutes this weekend to nurture yourself and enjoy the benefits of self-care.

Here are four easy ways: 

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Is Fear Holding You Back?

Is Fear Holding You Back?

Do you have any dreams that just haven’t become a reality yet? 

Whether it’s traveling abroad, switching jobs, starting a company, learning to surf or mountain climb – many of us have something we dream of being, doing, having or experiencing.  

Though we don’t mean for it, sometimes those dreams stay just that – dreams, because of one four-letter word that stands between us: FEAR

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Sitting in Stillness

Sitting in Stillness

When we’re fully consumed in a project, or in a busy season with our family or personal lives it can be easy to feel like we’re constantly in motion.

Sometimes it isn’t until you stop for a minute that you realize how rushed you really were.

It’s important we allow ourselves moments to sit in stillness. Quiet time allows our minds to process, unpack and get creative.

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Does Your Life Reflect Your Priorities?

Does Your Life Reflect Your Priorities?

We have a hunch that you have some big dreams (and little ones, too). But do you spend your free time working to make those dreams and goals actually happen? 

Yeah, sometimes we don’t, either. 

Often what we value and hope for most in life isn’t even at the top of our priority list. In fact, it may not even make the cut! 

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Your Calm Friend? She’s Doing This …

Your Calm Friend? She’s Doing This …

So far this year, there’s no shortage of things to be stressed about (we could list them out, but really, who wants to read that?!). And while we wish we could wave a magic wand and get rid of everything that’s stressing us out, it’s just not possible (that letter from Hogwarts never did come …). 

But what we can do is work on managing our stress and feeling calm, even when life gets chaotic. The best way we’ve found?  

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Give Yourself a Break

Worrying About Money Lately? Do This …

When was the last time you stressed about money? Chances are, you answered “today” or even “just a few minutes ago.” 

While none of us want to be worrying about our finances all the time, in this day and age it’s kind of hard not to. Thanks (or no thanks) to inflation, everything is more expensive, from the coffee we drink to the sheets we curl up in at night. 

If you’re feeling the financial pinch right now, you’re not alone.

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4 Self-Care Ideas You Haven’t Heard Before

4 Self-Care Ideas You Haven’t Heard Before

When you hear the words “self-care,” what comes to mind? A bubble bath or a new skincare treatment? Maybe a spa day or an afternoon with a good book? All of those can be great for your self-care, but sometimes we need more than a face mask or a nap to nourish our minds and keep us from feeling depleted. 

If you want to try some self-care that’ll have long-lasting effects on your wellbeing (that you might have never considered), take a look at our ideas below.

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