4 Self-Care Ideas You Haven’t Heard Before


When you hear the words “self-care,” what comes to mind? A bubble bath or a new skincare treatment? Maybe a spa day or an afternoon with a good book? 

All of those can be great for your self-care, but sometimes we need more than a face mask or a nap to nourish our minds and keep us from feeling depleted. 

If you want to try some self-care that’ll have long-lasting effects on your wellbeing (that you might have never considered), take a look at our ideas below!

Phase out a toxic friend. Friendships are vital for our well-being, so it’s important to make time for loved ones and nurture those relationships. But if you have a “friend” who’s always bringing you down or who you just don’t enjoy spending time with, it may be a sign that you need to let that relationship go. Give yourself permission to ditch the guilt and stop spending time with someone who doesn’t lift your spirits and make you feel good.

Find a form of exercise you truly enjoy. Staying active is imperative for our physical and mental health, but exercise doesn’t have to mean jogging on the treadmill or slaving away in a spin class. Maybe swimming feels better to you, or aerial yoga, or hiking or hula hooping! Find a form of exercising that doesn’t feel like a chore but instead puts a smile on your face.

Learn to listen to and trust your intuition. If you’re wasting time and mental energy second-guessing yourself, asking everyone for their opinions on every little decision, or worrying about what to do with your life, then it’s time to start tapping into your intuition. When you learn to listen to your intuition you’ll start feeling more confident and less stressed about everything in life. Our podcast interview with author Kim Chestney can help you build those intuition muscles and teach you to follow your gut.

Adopt a pet to experience unconditional love. If you don’t already have a fur-baby, consider giving one a home. You’ll have a cuddle buddy on the couch, an excuse to take a walk every day, and someone who’s always happy to see you come through the door. Studies have even shown that petting an animal can lower your heart rate and reduce stress hormones. If being a full-time pet parent isn’t in your near future, try volunteering at a shelter or rescue organization, or offer to pet sit for a friend.

Self-care comes in many forms, and it’s important to take time and prioritize yourself before you reach that burnout point. So here’s to getting creative with your self-care and making sure you’re taking care of Y-O-U! 

Emily and the EveryDay Happy Team

P.S. Are you following us on Instagram? Each story or post is like a mini moment of peace and inspiration! Join us over at everydayhappy.life to see for yourself. 🙂 


Quote du jour

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball

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