The Most Important Relationship You’ll Ever Have

The Most Important Relationship You’ll Ever Have

Today I want to talk about the most important relationship you’ll ever have – your relationship with yourself. Think about it – romantic partners may come and go, friends can drop out of your life, but you are there all the time, so why not make it the best relationship possible? 

The whole idea of a relationship with yourself may sound silly, but really it’s just a way to be mindful of how you talk to yourself and treat yourself day today.

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5 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Sad

5 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Sad

While we’d love every Friday to be joyous (and every day for that matter!) life happens, and we’re bound to encounter stormy days and low moments where wearing a smile on your face doesn’t come naturally. 

But even though melancholy moods and flat-out bad days happen, there are real, positive things you can do to feel even a tiny bit better. (Of course, if you feel especially down, it’s always a good idea to seek help!) 

Here are five of our favorite ways to lift your spirits on gloomy days.

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4 Self-Care Ideas You Haven’t Heard Before

4 Self-Care Ideas You Haven’t Heard Before

When you hear the words “self-care,” what comes to mind? A bubble bath or a new skincare treatment? Maybe a spa day or an afternoon with a good book? All of those can be great for your self-care, but sometimes we need more than a face mask or a nap to nourish our minds and keep us from feeling depleted. 

If you want to try some self-care that’ll have long-lasting effects on your wellbeing (that you might have never considered), take a look at our ideas below.

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8 Ways to Have Fun Again

8 Ways to Have Fun Again

When you were little, do you remember the rush you’d get when you rolled down a grassy or snowy hill or slid down a slide? Most of us haven’t felt that rush in a while. Whether it’s because we’re too busy, we’ve forgotten how, or we’re not in the mood, “fun” gets put on the backburner. 

But fun isn’t just for kids — it’s crucial for adults too. When we’re having fun, we release stress and live in the moment. We step away from the heaviness and mundane and create more joy and ease in our day. 

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5 Ways You Can Help the Earth Starting Today

5 Ways You Can Help the Earth Starting Today

Happy Earth Day! Today, we’re feeling inspired to take extra care of Mother Earth. After all, it’s our home, and now especially, it needs our help. 

It’s easy to feel helpless when thinking about climate change and the massive changes that need to happen to turn things around – but try to fight that feeling! There are so many things each of us can do that can have a big impact. 

Here are five small things that you, (yes, you!) can start doing today that over time, will help us all have cleaner water and air, and less waste.

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How to Think Positively … Even on Bad Days

How to Think Positively … Even on Bad Days

When you picture your goals, hopes, and dreams in life, do you think, “Yes! I can make it happen!” Or, does your mind go straight to the negative? “Nah, that will never work out.”

Yeah, sometimes we think that way, too. Even the most optimistic people go through negative patches, where it’s hard to find a glimmer of positivity. Especially when you’ve been thrown curveballs, like a job loss, breakup, or an overall bad day. 

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How Failure Can Be Your Friend

How Failure Can Be Your Friend

If someone asked you, “What’s holding you back from your dreams?” you may be quick to say,  “I don’t have the time,” or “Life gets in the way,” but we have a hunch it might be something else. It might be your fear of the “F” word … Failure.

While we don’t mean to, often we hold ourselves back from going after a big goal or dream because deep-down, we have a fear that things won’t work out. We worry, “What if my plan wasn’t such a good one after all?” or “What if I can’t do all I thought I could?” Sometimes we’re even afraid of what happens if we succeed.

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The Secret to Midday Happiness

The Secret to Midday Happiness

Chances are you have a morning routine to kickstart your day in a positive way. But how often do you take advantage of your midday to keep your joy and energy levels in high gear? 

It’s not uncommon for many of us to spend our lunch breaks hunched over the computer answering emails, or mindlessly eating our salads and sandwiches while scrolling through social media.

Today we’re sharing four easy ways to use this time to boost your mood and energy levels. No caffeine required!

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How to Look on the Bright Side

How to Look on the Bright Side

As much as we try, life won’t ever be 24/7 sunshine and rainbows. Lows happen to all of us. When we find ourselves in these places it can be hard to remain optimistic and look on the bright side. 

Today, we want to share with you a story from the book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff. Keep this story in mind when you find yourself feeling that life is unfair or working against you. 

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