How to Keep Moving Toward Your Goals


We all have goals and dreams for our lives. Chances are you’ve been chipping away at something important to you. Perhaps it’s writing a book, organizing your home, connecting with a forever partner or committing to being healthier.

Even when we have the best intentions, life happens, and it’s easy to find ourselves feeling like we’ve gone off track or fallen behind. We may even be tempted to throw in the towel and give up on something completely.

The truth is, we can’t always be moving full steam ahead. Life has rest stops, delays and even detours. But, as long as you keep your goals and dreams at the forefront of your mind you are in fact, moving forward. Even when it doesn’t feel like it.

Martin Luther King Jr. wisely said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”

Whatever dreams you have for your life keep moving forward.

Take breaks when you need to recharge, pause when you need to focus on something else important, but stay positive and keep believing in yourself.

Remember, small steps lead to great gains and good things really do take time.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Emily and the EveryDay Happy Team

P.S. Join me for a private “Talk with Emily” session to improve any area of your life or business. Learn more and sign up here.


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