Is Fear Holding You Back?


Do you have any dreams that just haven’t become a reality yet? 

Whether it’s traveling abroad, switching jobs, starting a company, learning to surf or mountain climb – many of us have something we dream of being, doing, having or experiencing.  

Though we don’t mean for it, sometimes those dreams stay just that – dreams, because of one four-letter word that stands between us: FEAR

Now, we’re not talking about the kind of Halloween fright (like scary clowns or creepy dolls!) that makes us scream. What keeps so many of us from moving forward with a dream is the fear of uncertainty. After all, what if we struggle? What if we fail? 

Some of us even fear success. 

Have you ever heard that fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real? It describes how our thoughts can create stories about how something will turn out. But that’s all they actually are – stories. And since you’re the storyteller of your life, you have the power to create your happy ending. 

If you’re ready to release your fears so you can finally be, do, have or experience something you’ve been dreaming of, carve out 10 minutes for yourself today to put pen to paper and do this simple exercise. Yes, it is painless – but the results are surprisingly powerful! 

Be honest …

1. What do you really want in your life right now?

2. What’s holding you back from having it? (Dig deep here!)

3. What’s the worst that can happen if you go for it?

4. What can you do to face your fears and make it happen?

5. What’s the best possible outcome that you can envision?

Life doesn’t have to be so scary. Just take a step, then another. 

Wishing you a wonderful day!
Emily and the EveryDay Happy Team 

P.S. Join us on Instagram to feel inspired, uplifted and for daily tips to create more joy in your life. 

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Quote du jour

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” — Jack Canfield


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