A Less Stress Summer


Summer is synonymous with relaxation, but sometimes we find ourselves stressed out and not living our best, “feet in the sand, good book in hand,” season.

Worries happen to all of us. But, one of the easiest ways to feel more carefree is to take a moment to declutter your brain. Because here’s the deal: Our brain can only handle so many thoughts at once. Anything extra bouncing around distracts you from enjoying otherwise happy moments.

While it may not feel as indulgent as ice cream or a spa day, “treat” yourself to a brain decluttering session this weekend. Your mind and body will thank you for it!

Here’s how:

1. Carve out 30 minutes to check in with yourself. Ask yourself, “How am I you doing, really?” Be intentional to truly connect with yourself. This exercise will help.

2. Write down every thought that pops into your head over the weekend that weighs you down. When you actually write down those thoughts, you’re removing them from taking up space in your brain.

3. Slow down and absorb less. When you’re feeling overwhelmed the best thing you can do for your mind, body and soul is to slow down. Take a break from the news and social media and any other ‘noise’ that revs your brain into overdrive. Your priority right now is to do less so you can relax more.

When you’re caught up in worry, it’s hard to be truly present. Gift yourself a less stress summer by taking time to declutter your brain so you can truly enjoy everything this season has to offer.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Emily and the EveryDay Happy Team

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Quote du jour

“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” — William Burroughs


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