The Best Way to Say Goodbye to a Year


As you get excited for 2024 (or to slam the door shut on 2023!), it’s good to take a moment to reflect on the past year by taking inventory.

You may have heard me talk about this before, but if you’re new to taking inventory, it’s a simple exercise and the best way I know to set the stage for an even better year ahead. And all it takes is a pen, paper and 15 minutes of uninterrupted time.

It’s worth noting, sometimes we tend to feel accomplishments only include major positive life events such as buying a house, reaching a money goal, having children, starting a company, or writing a book. But often it’s the dark days, difficult times, and hard-learned lessons that deserve recognition to prepare us for the next chapter of our lives. 

This weekend, schedule a date with yourself to pour a cup of tea or a glass of something that makes you happy and take inventory of your past year.

Taking Inventory Exercise:

  • What major life changes occurred this year? (Did you move, make a career change, change your lifestyle, start a family, fall in love, end a bad relationship, start a business, close a business, etc.?)
  • Did you have any adventures? What did you do and see?
  • Who came into your life this year? Who left? (Friends, partners, lovers, clients, pets …)
  • What was your absolute high of this past year?
  • What was your low?
  • What life lessons, trades and skills did you learn this year?
  • What growth can you notice in yourself compared to this time last year?
  • What do your income, savings and overall finances look like compared to last year?
  • What would you like them to look like a year from now?
  • What health or physical improvements did you make to your body or lifestyle?
  • Did you make any big purchases? (Car, home, furniture, etc.)
  • What was the most romantic moment you experienced in this past year?
  • What was the most fun you had?
  • What are you most proud of from this past year?
  • If you had to describe this past year in only one word what would it be?

Happy New Year, friend. Wishing you joy, laughter and so much love in 2024!

Emily and the EveryDay Happy Team


Quote du jour

“Celebrate endings — for they precede new beginnings.” — Jonathan Huie


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