How to Deal with a Life Change

How to Deal with a Life Change

While some people get excited by change, many of us prefer the comfort of what we already know. After all, big or small, change can make us feel vulnerable, overwhelmed and uneasy. 

But as difficult as the adjustment process may be, change can be a wonderful thing. Yes, moving, starting a new job, or having a baby can bring about a host of new challenges, but it also invites growth, adventures, and allows you to witness your own inner strength.

We have three tips to help your transition feel a little smoother…

7 Ways To Add More Happiness To Your Day

7 Ways To Add More Happiness To Your Day

Imagine rolling out of bed with a smile on your face, laughing throughout your day, and going to bed feeling calm and content?

While not every day will be sunshine and rainbows, there are so many things you can do to add more joy to each day.

Here are seven of my favorite ways:

You Are Enough, Right Now

You Are Enough, Right Now

Some days you may feel like you’re not good enough, or doing enough. You may wish you could snap your fingers and turn into a version of yourself you think you should be with a perfect job, spotless house, and exciting hobbies (or whatever your definition of an ideal life may be).  

But here’s something you need to know … You are wonderful, just as you are. You are enough, right now.

How To Feel Better About Your Life

How To Feel Better About Your Life

When you were little, did it seem like people couldn’t wait to define you? Maybe your parents would say, “You’re messy,” or friends would tell you, “You’re forgetful.” Heck, even teachers may have said, “You’re a procrastinator.” 

For whatever reason, so much of our early years are spent with people trying to label us and put us in a nice, neat box. (Even if it’s a negative one!)

The problem is, those labels and stories often get stuck in our minds. They play on repeat until we internalize them and start to believe “I am messy” or “I will never get anything done.” 

How to Seize the Hours in Your Day

How to Seize the Hours in Your Day

Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time to do those things you’re truly passionate about? Whether you want to write a book, learn how to play piano or spend time enjoying a good read, chances are your day slips by so fast, there’s little time for things that bring you pure joy. That’s why it’s important we do what we can to protect our time, so that we can do more of what’s truly important, and less of what’s not.

Today, I’m sharing a few of my favorite ways to seize your day so you can use the hours your way!